Epidemiology of Sporadic Retinoblastoma in Mexico (EpiRbMx)

This project, which has received NCI funding since its founding, examines the role that gene-nutrient interactions play in the development of retinoblastoma and RB1 genetic and epigenetic changes. We examine the effect of early life exposure to dietary intake of folate/folic acid, genetic variation in metabolism of folate and genetic and epigenetic changes in RB1 and in the development of sporadic retinoblastoma in central Mexico. The study has also contributed to a better understanding of clinical progression and the contribution from delay in diagnosis on clinical manifestation of the disease. EpiRbMx was founded in partnership with the Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, and the Hospital de Pediatria Siglo XXI of the Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social (IMSS). Since its founding, EpiRbMx has collaborated with the Center for Research on Nutrition and Health (CINyS) group of the Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica. The study includes newer collaborations with the University of Toronto, and more recently the Institut Pasteur de Lille. EpiRbMx has also lead to work examining the impact of fortification of the wheat and corn flour in Mexican dietary intake.


Manuela Orjuela-Grimm



Areas of Focus
