Resolve to Save Lives Initiative: Various locations
Dr. Moran will not be taking students for the Summer of 2024.
Resolve to Save Lives helps governments and civil society implement scalable, proven strategies. We are determined to prevent millions of deaths from cardiovascular disease and epidemics, with a focus on accelerating action through speed, simplicity, and scale in low- and middle-income countries.
Mentor: Andrew Moran, MD, MPH
Research opportunities available:
Summer Research Projects
Thematic Research Areas:
Non-communicable diseases, Health Systems and Health Governance, Epidemiology
Global Pop funds students from the following CUIMC Schools at this site:
VP&S and CDM
Language requirement:
Potential activities that could be carried out by students at this site:
Literature Review, Data Analysis, Manuscript writing, Policy Guidance.
Other requirements or information:
Prefer students who are used to working with data. Familiarity with Microsoft Excel and good writing skills required, non-English language and statistical software and web interface development skills are sought but optional.
This site offers on-site orientation upon arrival
About Projects with Resolve to Save Lives
Research to support the scale-up of national hypertension control programs in low- and middle-income countries. Resolve to Save Lives, a non-profit global public health organization. Resolve's cardiovascular health work is supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies and other donors.
Student Project Activities:
Project scope to be determined and based availability of travel options. Past intern projects have included analysis of hypertension program data, systematic literature reviews, development of clinical guides and tools for country programs, market research related to medicines and devices, program costing and cost-effectiveness
Student Participation: Remote or Hybrid; possible opportunity for brief site visit
Travel Location(s): Various locations; in-country visits would be for a 1-2 week period
Number of Students: 1
Mentored Research Project in 2022
Testing a mobile, on-demand hypertension management training app in Abuja, Nigeria
Student: Leander Nguyen (CDM)