USA: Pearl River, NY, Pfizer Vaccine Research and Development

Pearl River, NY is the headquarters of Pfizer's Vaccine R&D organization, where Pfizer scientists are currently working to develop vaccines against major infectious diseases. Located less than 30 miles from midtown Manhattan and accessible via shuttle bus including pickup/drop off stops close to Columbia University, the Pearl River site is well into its second century as a New York-area center for vaccine innovation that impacts healthcare around the world. Today it is focusing its efforts to apply leading-edge science towards helping fight COVID-19 and bring the next generation of prophylactic and viral vaccines to vulnerable people of all ages.

The Programs in Global Health at VP&S and Pfizer's Vaccine R&D organization partnered up since early 2020 to offer a number of sponsored and exciting opportunities at Pfizer's Vaccine R&D organization. Interested students may submit their application through the Program for Education in Global and Population Health. 

Columbia University Faculty Liaison: Lawrence Stanberry, MD, PhD
Program Manager: Molly Borst (

Research opportunities available at this site:
Summer Research Projects, Scholarly Projects

Thematic Research Areas at this site:
Infectious Diseases

Global Pop funds students from the following CUIMC Schools at this site:

Language requirement:

Potential activities that could be carried out by students at this site:
Literature Review, Attend regular Team/Site meetings, Data collection, Data monitoring, Data analysis, Program monitoring and evaluation, Manuscript writing, Summarizing/Disseminating results, Shadowing, Attending and presenting lectures, Lab work

Other requirements or information:
This site offers on-site orientation.