The Program in Vaccine Education

Vaccines have had a greater impact on human health than any other biomedical intervention in history. The development of more than 30 vaccines over the past three centuries has helped limit the impact of infectious diseases, saving millions of lives and improving human health globally. Over the past four decades, the pace of vaccine development has dramatically accelerated. In the same 40-year span, however, the number of infectious diseases threatening human (and animal) health have also dramatically increased with the identification of over 150 emerging, re-emerging or evolving pathogens.
The mission of The Program in Vaccine Education (PVE) at VP&S is to educate medical students and to inform health care professionals, public health experts, academic, government and industry researchers, policy makers, global health non-governmental organizations, journalists and the general public as to the cutting-edge advances and challenges in modern vaccine development.
Topic areas include:
- Novel vaccine platforms, adjuvants, delivery systems
- Vaccine immunology
- Top priority vaccine targets (diseases)
- The One Health Paradigm, preventing zoonoses
- Clinical trial designs
- Insuring and understanding vaccine safety
- Vaccine development pipeline and finance
- Supporting vaccine development: the role of governments, foundations, CEPI, the WHO and Public-Private Partnerships
- Vaccine distribution challenges
- Public health strategies and goals
- Governance, ethics and barriers to vaccine access
- Vaccine policy formulation and the regulatory environment
- Vaccines and the legal system
- Medical journalism, keeping the public informed
- Confronting misinformation
The Program in Vaccine Education will offer medical school courses, lectures, symposia, and op-ed pieces.