Mentor - Brie Stotler, MD
Thematic Areas: Adolescent Health, Education, Maternal and Child Health
In the Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Dr. Stotler functions as a Transfusion Medicine Attending Physician, the Director of Allen Hospital Laboratory and Blood Bank, the Director of Helen Hayes Hospital Laboratory, and provides Special Hematology hemoglobinopathy diagnostic services. She is interested in Clinical Laboratory and Transfusion Medicine related research activities and focuses on improving quality laboratory services through efficient process improvement.
Mentored Summer Research Project 2021
Worldwide Initiative for Rh Disease Eradication (WIRhE): Developing Educational Content to Help Eradicate Rh Disease
Student: Marissa Caldwell
Mentored Summer Research Project 2020
WIRhE: Developing Educational Content to Help Eradicate Rh Disease
Student: Kalvis Hornburg (VP&S)